Whether it’s a pre-loved couch, a hand-knitted doggie coat, or some plants from the garden, neighbours all over Australia are selling and swapping items daily on Nextdoor’s For Sale and Free section. In fact, we’ve had more than $520,000 sold on Nextdoor so far this year!
If you want to earn some money, or save some money, it’s the perfect place to be.
Community and the share economy go hand in hand, and that’s why we’re partnering with Garage Sale Trail for the second year in a row.
What we love most about this partnership is the common love of community connections, upcycling, and sustainability. This year’s event is a special recovery edition, and the good news is that thanks to physical and virtual sales, you can participate no matter what the Covid-19 restrictions are in your area.
Andrew Valder, Co-Founder, Garage Sale Trail says, “Every now and again a partnership comes together that just makes beautiful sense and that’s how we feel about Nextdoor. Garage Sale Trail, like Nextdoor, has communities, neighbourhoods and local at its heart.
“Having a successful garage sale is all about letting your neighbours and others in your community know what’s going on. Nextdoor is the natural way to do this making it the perfect platform for Garage Sale Trail sellers to spread the word, meet others in their community and have a successful garage sale.”
Follow these simple steps to get started:
- Register your sale here with Garage Sale Trail
- Once your sale is registered, you’ll be included on our special Garage Sale Trail map in Nextdoor
- Post on Nextdoor to tell your Neighbours about it and get them involved
Garage Sale Trail, the recovery edition, is coming to a suburb near you on Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 November 2020. Mark your calendar and post on Nextdoor to tell your neighbours!
Don’t forget to download the Nextdoor app and take the neighbourhood with you on-the-go.